I would feel no loss if you got the daily third isntead of me!
You deserve it
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 3.42!
Keep on making them games!
I would feel no loss if you got the daily third isntead of me!
You deserve it
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 3.42!
Keep on making them games!
original, but buggy
The main problem here is the hitTest......instead of making the whole truck the hitTest thing, make a little inside
if(_root.sheep.hitTest(_root.truck.insideThing)) { //action balbbal ba }
other than game ;)
5/5 because i like the idea and stuff :)
that must be some of the best 3D ActionScript i have ever seen........wild...
great game!
Good game...
I love the scrolling background, and may i ask you one question, it looks like the BG is moving and the warthog stands still...if the BG one MC? and/or is it dynamicly loaded
other than that. great game, a little on the hard side but cool.
make the warthog be able to turn when up and left/right is pressed:
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
if(Key.isDown(87) && Key.isDown(68)) {
//warthog turning up and left
This sucks
Go hang yourself..... =P
nah..its pretty cool, i like the way you explained the stuff....the grapichs were ok.
And you are talking about compression and stuff, since your tuts are only 500kb, and since its a "all in one" thing...why not instead of making 2-3-4 parts, make it all into 1.
That could be possile, but...tension my dear watson, tention
Thank you, kind sir!
You gave me my will to draw back....i will study this tutorial down to the last nipple..
hahah yea thanks for the review man!
Good game....
I like the idea of the game...i also like that i have the current High score (yay)......
Im the famous Nicolay....:p
Good Tutorial.....
I read your post on the BBS saying that you where gonna make a tutorial.... never tought it would be so GOOD.....
Keep up the good work
Thanks! I'm updating it explain the AC you should look at it in a few days to learn a bit more.
I love my PowerMacG4.......
WOW...this is a mighty good game... I love the grapichs and teh animation is so smooth......
I would love to help out....I know a tiny winy piny bit about scriptig... but i can help you with the sound....
If you need help you know how to reach me..:D
Grrrr...I forgot the username on my old profile. i signed up for it in 00 or 01 or something..... But its ok. I like my new name =D
Age 39, Male
Monkey trainer
Joined on 5/23/03