one word......
one word......
If thats a more as in make more, cheers if thats a more as in PUT MORE IN IT YOU DUMBASS also cheers, so overall, cheers
Good good....
Dont say you suck....because you DONT......
Il help you learn a little flash.
Keep up the good work
ok ill add you tnx
Simply Genius....
Wow...Like the style like tha the voices....
Me want more....
I love Viggo....:p
That was one of the funniest video edits i have seen...
I forecast this as Daily pick or something...:D
i want more.....
Maybe one like "Lotr hates Cristopher Lee"...or naah thats just to silly....
Keep up the good work
Fine bird the Norwegian Blue, beautiful plumage! Did you know that Deadparanoid was originally going to be but the name was already taken? Our old website mascot was a Norwegian Blue by means of reference. So hats off for showing fine taste in two ways.
Bra Bra.....
Lyden var bedre en Lars hunter #1, men jeg likte storyen på enern bedre.... MEN denne var fortsatt drit morsomm....
jeg elsker animasjonstilen din og han Bjarne er en god "story writer".......
Hva mere kan jeg si en at dette er en driit kul/morsom flash og jeg gleder meg til #3, #4, #5 osv........... :D
Keep up the good work.....
Og en God Jul til deg,,,,, ;D
(og til Bjarne.... lag historien mere som #1 neste gang... :) "savnet" den perverse Lars :P )
Haha takk, ja jeg tenker nok at du savner den perverse Lars ;)
God jol
Som vanlig.....DRIT BRA
Men.....Noe dårlig lyd....
Jeg har sett på ALLE filmene dine(ja Alle) og jeg må si at dette er ikke den beste(Pipe er de beste)
Du/Dere har en genial sans for humor, og jeg elsker stilen på tegningene!.
Gleder meg til å se Lars hunter #2.
og du, er Lars basert på en ekte person??:p
Vet det med lyden, kunne stilt alt på 'event' men da ville file sizen vært større ;/ Anyway takk! Og Nei... Lars Hunter er ikke basert på noen ekte person.
Too much political stuff....
Not a very long flash.....
I'm political...what can I say. Anyway, it's supposed to be short. It tells its point simply and concisely. Making it longer would be unnecessary to the meaning, and lessen the immediacy and impact.
This is not good.....
its EXTREMLY good..... you are the best 3D animator i have ever seen....
All the pictures where beutiful but especialy:
-MetalClock(damn that was good)
hmmmm you said you made them in Lightwave 3D *searching on the onternet where to download trial or something* :P
I cant wait for your next movie(hopefully in full 3D)
Keep up the good work
Thanx! I don't know if you can get a free trial... try Full 3d movie coming Clockday 2004
Ok this movie is amazing......
Good points:
-Wonderfull music
-Well animated
-Cool Game
-GOOD drawings
-Sound quality was good
-good story
-cool that you made your own universe
Bad points:
-ehmmmm... Hmmmmmm.... too long to wait for the next....
Overall an well animated movie with beutiful drawings...
cant wait for more....:D
Oh and i guess you are Swedish?
Ah... my first non 10. Grr...
Yes, I am Swedish.
Grrrr...I forgot the username on my old profile. i signed up for it in 00 or 01 or something..... But its ok. I like my new name =D
Age 39, Male
Monkey trainer
Joined on 5/23/03